Rawr! I'm Bernie, a scary dino (VTuber) with a bird brain that likes to eat, sleep, and play ViDeO GaMeS!
Credits a.k.a Amazing People
These are the lovely people that helped bring Bernie to life!
Terms of Service
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY before requesting.By sending a request you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions. In addition, I have the right to refuse your commission if you do not agree to these terms.I retain copyright over my work, which includes the right to redistribute, and use the illustrations on my portfolio, unless otherwise agreed upon.You may not use the comission to partake in AI feeding and/or creation/promotion of NFT and/or similar blockchain technology and cryptocurrency using artwork made by me.PERSONAL USE ONLY (icons, wallpapers, prints for personal use, etc.) - Please let me know if you would like to discuss about commercial usage.CREDIT the Artist - Credit is required when you post and use the comission on other platforms.Do not re-sell without consulting me first.
Do not edit my work without permission.Delivery times will vary (eta. 1-4 weeks)NO REFUNDS due to the digital nature of the commissions.If you have any questions, please contact me